Tuesday, March 2, 2010

salam again..

happy birthday to me..!
i guess like i'm visiting my own blog once a year! hehehe...

this year is some what different than the previous ones...i am looking at life in another totally different perspective all together. i guess the turn of many events...moulded my innerself completely!

cant really say what it is as yet..too long a story, but all in all, i am so gratefull for whatever i have. it may not be millions or anything luxurious..but my children and husband and family are all that matters now.thank you ALLAh for the air that we breathe, the painless effort to inhale your air, the painless effort to enjoy the beautiful and colourful world of Yours.

thank you for this 38 years i have lived,,and hope that i will live longer to be able to make my husband happy and redha towards me..,for the path to Jannah for any women is as easy as being loyal and dutibound to her husband.

i love you abang...with all my heart. i hope to have you as my husband in the hereafter, insyaALLAH.

-happy birthday to me...i am indeed blessed!-

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday dear....selamat panjang umur dan murah rezeki. Semoga tabah menghadapi hidup ini....
